Tuesday 1 November 2011

A Struggling fight with myself.

Since the weekend, I feel like im loosing all focus, I feel like iv done nothing but eat poorly, (I have not eaten that bad, I will admit iv had a few "treats") But I have  Stayed within my Weight Watchers Points.. With a lot of decision's and stress from the weekend and coming into the beginning of this week, I feel overwhelmed with stress.

Im trying to get back on track and leave the crap behind me, and get back into the mind frame I was in weeks ago, I'm sure i'll get there.. Im sure.. Things just seem so much harder the last few days, My time on the Elliptical, seems like im on there forever, Seems like more of a harder fight to stay on.. I do but im struggling for that Motivation i had A few weeks ago..

With everything i'll get thru this and i'll come out on top, Baby steps. I have to realize this is part of the Journey and its not going to be Happy times.. Im going to have weeks just like this.. 

:) With that, Im still staying positive, Just not expecting to much on the scale this week, Who knows maybe im just being paranoid maybe im right!

With that said :) Im not giving up, Just feeling like im in a struggling fight with myself.. But Im winning i'll tell you that.. Im not letting this fight win.

Lots of love,

Weight Loss to date: 19.2 lbs 

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